Information for Moderators

Each Pedagogy Chat is led by a moderator who provides a brief introduction to the week’s topic and facilitates the discussion. 

Information for Moderators

Thank you for agreeing to lead a Pedagogy Chat!

Melissa and Laura will handle advertising, registration, and hosting the Zoom session. We advertise on Facebook, Twitter, and a few library listservs starting about 10 days in advance. You are welcome to advertise as well.

Pedagogy Chats are intended to be an informal discussion. Moderators should prepare a brief introduction to the topic, such as background information, a theoretical framing, and/or best practices, and 4-5 questions to facilitate discussion. We are committed to applying a critical lens on teaching and learning, and encourage moderators to engage with issues of equity, diversity and inclusion in their framing of the topic.

Slide Template (downloadable)

Our basic agenda:

  • Welcome from Laura/Melissa

  • Presentation (15-20 minutes)

  • Discussion (30-35 minutes)

  • Wrap up by Laura/Melissa

Slides and discussion notes are available to attendees after the session. Please email us a copy of your slides that we can share online.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!